Wednesday 9 July 2014


HEre are both pdf documents, for you to DOWNLOAD< free and easy from Google DRIVE:


AND THEN, a bizarre sort of Introduction:
in style of Magical Books, WB yeats VISIONS, which came from God, like the Book of Mormons did...

Thursday 27 March 2014

Black and White

I see monochrome.

I mean, I see..shifts from shadow, to light, all in what they say is, black grey and white…I know I cant see colour, because I get regularily confused.

Old grey tests, I blow my two fingers in the side of my flobby mouth and outcomes a whistle, instead of red, that is yellow. That is okay, that one…that…it is red…grey is the same as light blue…No, red is black. I see shade, I see the hue…not the tone of pure colours, but from dark to light….red is dark, yellow is white…

Wednesday 12 February 2014

My First Novel

Hello, along with these little things I threw away to be read.

I have just put up my novel, to read for free on GoogleDrive, to put on your E-readers if you want to...

It's hard to describe it exactly, and I don't want to give a synopsis as it is difficult to do so with actually revealing plot-turns...

I suppose I wanted to describe it as Avant-Garde...then, as Science Fiction...because;

The writing is sometimes in free verse, sometimes regular verse, quite experimental really.

I CAN tell you it involves TIME-TRAVEL, ( also DEMONS! ) and most importantly ROMANCE, which may be difficult to see at first... and though I myself, find the book weak at times, even embarrassing concerning scenes, that I refused to throw away, I am writing a sequel, involving a very important character, who will view the same things sometimes, as the main character narrator in this one, it will have a "time travelling' spin....explanations, view-points from someone else, that does mean it could be the same book as the first, though i wont be as boring as to repeat the first, i could do this forever, i could write a third, maybe a fourth, all involving what happens in the 1st...

well: here it is......GRAVITY//GREY//GREY//GRAVITY; (this links straight to googleDrive, and can be downloaded safely)

Thanks, maybe I can reveal more me:

Thursday 19 December 2013



my small dying

 I flip a zipped light, threaten fire, the black moth burned under his own skin as he fought against us, and I felt his hot fire under my hand, that held his arm, I shook a bottle, and the messy lid cracked and dripped the drug onto his skin,

then I took off the plastic sheaf, of the syringe and pushed it in.

He stopped moving, but the other men in their wooden yellow masks, men I didn’t know, shoved him around, and stepped on him like clumsy blind bears, as he struggled, and then screamed;

"I am not going to be in put in your fire!"

Then hawthorne gets injected.

I am against Her.


In Bed
she whispered into my bed
she was in a different bed
I wanted bed
I wanted bed

she had a man but
I wanted her bed so
I joined their bed and jumped in their bed I slept on the floor slept in their bed
they looked at me in their bed
he was with her when I wanted I wanted so I arrived in their bed

she was in his bed
having him and I was in their bed
I wanted her bed
she was having him
and I stayed in bed
listening to the whispering
she was thinking of me in bed
she looked at me and whispered in his bed

"I think of you in bed!"

I know they have bed
because I was in their bed I couldn't leave their bed
I didn't want their bed so
they looked at me and giggled that I was in their bed and he didn't know I said, because I hate their bed;

"whisper in my head,
before he knows...that
we too have bed!"

he knew her bed,
I want her bed and
"when will you be in my bed?"

I want him dead
because I was there...

in their bed.


First bite of cold.
Frigid fingers on the metallic work.

Work on chairs,
Just for officers,
Cold companions pass tubes and plastic parts,
I keep going.

The Radio goes on fighting for the song.
I am close inside the last part of the land and it’s limit,
I am last in the queue,
I have red sufferings of stiffness and black ideas,
That catch at paper,
And collect red tape.

Blue windowsills with a catch of that yellow. Some grey too.
The production line was cracking and I kept going.

White shutters close down the business.

Go home. 


I saw all time vanish, I sang up to the balcony.

The balcony was empty,
the balcony crashed down as I called to her,
the loss of all the best time cut through me,
sharp like an exploding bomb crashing black marks of umbrella shrapnel,
gushing down at once into water.

With me gone for all time, some of the black marks fading,
 like salted rivers, I was without her for good,
I lost the ways of the straight arrow track, I stood still.
I started to cry like a girl, and I ran away from her,
into the opposite direction...

I got tired by the rush of all time shattering, so,
after all the weeping fed the waters,
my losing legs crashed about, and I found my cave,
and I wrapped myself up inside the sandy hollow.
I had times others didn't understand to deal with when I woke up after my loss,

such a long time,
 no one could understand it.