Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Heading through the grass towards the little path. My mouth opened like a dumb round black eye and I was frozen. Her little tanned spindly legs, went clickclack clickclack, destroyed the one sandal, by losing it as it scraped against dirt and the bits fell off, and she nu-ed and nonned, and her lollipop head rattled, weeping, on the top of her body, every part doing separate things

I waited, then, I went swift like a bullet-man, and hit across the long dry grass...she uttered a high, final NONN!!!!! and as we went up the path, to the south side, there was a rushing noise that hit me from all sides, so I didn't hear what was coming for me. Something appeared from a smaller mud path to my right, and it's presence stopped me. It was a man, and behind him were more men.

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